

Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

Âû²ÝÉçÇø Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is an internationally recognised program, which aims to motivate young people aged 14 years and over to become involved in a balanced program of voluntary self-development activities. Students develop both leadership and teamwork skills by partaking in physical recreation, learning a new skill, providing a service to the community and participating in bushwalking expeditions.

Participants of the Award learn to manage their time effectively to achieve their goals, and show a regular commitment over a specified length of time, dependent upon the level of Award chosen.

Earlier this year, Âû²ÝÉçÇø became a licensed Award Centre for delivering the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, currently supporting students in gaining their Bronze Award. Âû²ÝÉçÇø choice to do the Award is entirely voluntary and every Award is different. Each Participant chooses what activities they want to take part in for each Section. It is a very personal program that offers young people a structure to fulfill their passions and ambitions in a way that suits them.

To find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh International Award or contact our Award Leader Mr Geoff Elliott at gelliott@thelakes.qld.edu.au.